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Cellana tramoserica

True limpet

Ka Yee Wong (2014)



Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Life History & Behaviour

Anatomy & Physiology

Evolution & Systematics

Biogeographic Distribution

Conservation & Threats

References & Links

Conservation & Threats

One of greatest threats of C. tramoserica like any other related molluscs species is human exploitation relating to fossicking and collecting.  The removal of large limpets causes a reduction of reproductive rate and genetic discontinuity (Casu et al, 2011).  The population becomes extinct when the recovery rate remains low due to absence of effective gene flow from reproductions or immigration.

A protective zone should be identified as prioritising conservation strategies in the low density areas (Casu et al, 2011). The legislation of preserving the population by setting up the rules for collecting and fossicking on the rocky shores should be enforced by the Government sectors.  These zones are to allow the increase of genetically differences so that low population can gradually obtained genetically connection with closed related species in extent conservative network (Casu et al, 2011).

